Contact your Affordable Calgary Web Design team of experts to find the best online store solution for you.
Gold Level Online Store
Want a custom non-template site with a store?

If you need more than what is offered in our Wordpress-based Bronze or Silver packages, or if you simply do not want to use Wordpress, we're certain you will find this Gold package the perfect solution. Everything is coded to reflect your particular business, and our administration panel design is easy straightforward and extremely easy to use for the database portion of your store.

Our Gold Package incorporates a front-end portion with our 10-page custom design, together with a back-end with programming which will give you a custom store side, which is easy for you to maintain.

Gold Package

A top of the line solution!

  • One-time Fee $1399.99
  • Monthly Fee $139.99
  • Monthly Hosting Fee included.
  • Pay Yearly: enjoy a 10% savings when the applicable monthly fee is paid on a yearly basis, in advance.
  • Stripe: a Stripe account is recommended for middle level package.

What we do for you

  • We will build a completely custom static front-end of 10 pages, based on our basic custom design.
  • We design a very easy-to-use administration panel that makes it easy for you to add your product data.
  • Our Gold package front-end portion also includes professional images bought from online photo websites, so that you don't have to worry about any copyright issues.
  • We will incorporate code for search engine optimization to help your store be found in internet searches for your kind of product.
  • We will provide professional-looking images that will help enhance your website and attract your potential customers.
  • We will supply all the technology needed to tie in your Stripe Online Merchant Account.

Store owner responsibility: anyone creating an online store needs to take care of certain aspects themselves. This applies to all stores, whether DIY or created by professionals:

  • You upload your own store data (product information such as pricing, description, images, etc.) as per the design of our administration panel.
  • You need to be comfortable working with images, with how to write product descriptions, and with how to follow the Wordpress dashboard.
  • You need to set up a Stripe online merchant account (this is your banking information). Using other online merchant providers may incur more cost, depending on the complexity of integrating their software into the Wordpress website.
  • Any cost incurred in integrating a Canada Post shipping module will be the responsibility of the store owner.
Affordable Calgary Web Design team members can create a complex web store design at affordable cost.